Tuesday, December 21, 2010

2010 年感恩事项

屈指一算,我从毕业至今,已经18个月了,工作18个月,汽车我也喂了18个月。这18个月,有一半在kl IDS 工作,直到换来johor VS, 现在也有九个月了。这一半一半,时常让我有所比较,前者让我苦不堪言,后者让我十分写意。在这2010年头新年期间,在我还没有为我前面的路有所谋算之前,我相信神已经为我预备好了一切。 就在我辞了工却还没有停工前,他就让我找到了一份工,感谢主。原本我意志坚定要辞工时,爸爸还说好,不用紧的,做不下去了就别做了,可是最让我担心的是我连下个月的费用也不知道在哪里。汽车怎么办?房租怎么办?还有一切一切,都是让我坚持到最后一分钟才辞职的原因。可是当我们愿意放手,不为明天忧虑时,神动工了。祂让我在我辞职了但还没有停工前就让我找到了另一分工,感谢神。 虽然对别人来说可能我找到的新工并没有想像中好的待遇,不过当时我真的不在乎,只要离开当时的情况,什么样的工都可以,只要不会太辛苦就可以了。所以真的感谢神。因为祂是我倚赖的主。
在johor,一切都改变了。如果说2009年在kl的圣诞是华丽的,那么2010年在johor的圣诞就是朴素的。johor,一个既陌生又让人生俱的地方,让人听了会害怕的地方,原因就在它的名声早就臭名远播了。不过让我来了之后,有一份安定的感觉。我常跟我朋友讲,这里像在swak,因为不繁华,所以宁静。(没到johor pusat bandar,应该没这么繁华,也没那么乱)。

2010年感恩神赐给我和我家人,每一个人都仍然有健康的身体,尤其是公公和婆婆,求主特特看顾他们。感谢主看到我的两个姐姐都怀孕了,儿女是主所赐给他们的产业,求主看顾他们能健健康康的把他们带到这个世上来。感谢主我的弟弟总算完成了他的学业,现在在等成绩当中。主求你赐给他信心,对自己的成绩和努力有信心和盼望,让他明年能顺利毕业。他生日当天,我看到他的改变,是出淤泥也不染的感觉。虽然身在kl,却不会乱花钱,知道在餐厅吃一餐会很贵,反而我就从不会约束自己。也看到他争取时间读书,和以前的他又明显的分别。 阿义,加油!

2010年立约: - 好好建立与神的关系 阿爸天父 (achieved,2011还要继续建立与神的关系-啊爸天父)


- 一年读三本属灵书籍 (achieved,清心守候的女人,给灵命把把脉,因为单纯所以杰出)

- 每天灵修 (achieved)

- 常常祷告 (还需要好好学习)

- 养成谢饭祷告的习惯 (achieved,在外面吃饭一定会,在家就~)

- 十一奉献、宣教奉献 (achieved,十一奉献是一定的,不过宣教奉献就~)

- 每个月写一篇感恩记 (看到这个blog就知道了,下一年要多记录一些啊)

- 每两个月分一次单张 (虽然我没做到两个月份一次单张,不过我在圣诞前夕有分300张哦~)

2011年立约: - 好好建立与神的关系 阿爸天父

- 好好阅读神的话语。(新约x2 + 诗歌智慧书)

- 一年读三本属灵书籍

- 每天灵修

- 常常祷告

- 养成谢饭祷告的习惯

- 十一奉献、宣教奉献

- 写感恩记

- 分单张

- 多学习背诵经文

- 节制+储蓄 (RM3000) + 给家用

- 多事奉

- 找到人生伴侣

- 多回家

- 学习多与人讲话/分享

赛64:8 - 耶和华啊!2011年你现在还是我们的父,我们不过是泥土,你才是陶匠,2011年求你陶造我,我们众人都是你手所作的。



Tuesday, December 7, 2010


31/8/2010 国庆日+生日派对+同学聚会+柔佛星加坡旅游日

Yea~今年的国庆日期间,有几位好朋友到访,她们分别为来自北部的凯欣和雪芬,还有特地来要我们帮她庆祝生日的施仪,和驾车来的有为和Cindy。本地姜就有淑婷,啊强,媲琳和志豪。 毕业后一年,难得凯欣和雪芬她们愿意远道而来,还特地坐飞机下来找我们玩,真的非常想念她们。为了这次旅程,她们也花费了不少,真的很感谢她们。而施仪却在第二天加入我们,因为她第一天还有考试,特地考完试才加入我,也是难得啊。有为和Cindy也不弱人后,也在第二天加入我们。

难得放假,就让我尽说其然吧~ 我们在八月三十一号这天有一天的假期,这天刚好是星期二,星期一拿一天的假期,就成为了四天的假期了。所以凯欣雪芬就定了飞机票飞过来打算和我们一聚,顺便游玩柔佛州。她们在周六下午抵达,就约了阿强媲琳淑婷带他们附近走走,Sutera Mall 吃个东西后就去了Dangga Bay 走走。这就走完了柔佛州了。隔天因为施仪并没有如此快抵达,也因为施仪并没有passport,所以我们就上星加坡游玩。周日,也是我在这第一个没去教会的周日。我们抵达星加坡后,去了一些我之前也没去过的地方走走。首先就是Clark Quey,然后我们直接走到water front鱼尾狮前拍拍照后又去到China Town找吃,后来我们又闯进Casino见识见识。还意犹未尽的回程,当中当然少不了就是走走看看和拍拍照咯^第一次进赌城,原来里面是这样的。进去走走应该没有罪吧~只是好奇为什么许多人可以在哪留恋忘返~

第一张是在赌城外面的另一边拍的,赌城傍边应该还有别的热点,只是我们时间紧促,并没有时间细察。第二张就是背向赌城了,说什么到了赌城一点要拍一张照留念。上面Resort World 还有Animation会动的。进入Casino真的还要check Passport,游客才可以进,而且一定要依照他们的规则才可以进,比如不可邋遢穿拖鞋短裤。

Universal Studio – 入场票星币72。原本雪芬问我们要不要进去的,可是我们觉得实在是太贵了,不愿意花这笔钱进去,只好在外面拍照留念咯。从外面看,我们看到里面有一只功夫Panda。里面应该也蛮好玩的吧。


当晚,施仪有为Cindy加入我们。施仪和我还谈了一整晚^^隔天我们就浩浩荡荡向Tanjung Piai & Kukup 出发。这里离那里大概一个钟吧^只有我坐在有为的车,其他人就坐在阿强的车。首先我们就迈向Tanjung Piai,到了目的地后就看到这巨石了。

之前也看过别人的照片有这巨石,没想到我也终于来到了^这地方一直标榜着它可是亚洲大陆的最南端。地标上的代表还有这棵Paku Pakis~ 而这个地方一路走出去是一个红树林~ 红树林其意是在我走出去亲眼看到后才明白过来的。它就是一棵一棵长在沼泽地上的树就叫做红树林。这又长见识咯~ 在这我们看见了迎接我们天真可爱的猴子,还好它没有扑过来欢迎我们。



Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Haiz.. how come this computer cant write chinese??

So if like that, how gonna I write ren xing in english? Pardon for my poor English.. so I just write ren xing lol…

Last Saturday is a memory day for me again.. the N-times ren xing alr.. I consider it as ren xing cause I really do wat ever I wish to do without planning. I know my heart wan to go for the jing bai zan mei hui, but I go without planning. Should it cal without planning? Or it may cal without detail / further thinking wat should I do, but just knoe that I wan to do that.

The story is like this, from past I alr really wish to go for the jing bai zan mei hui of xin xin yin yue when I saw the poster. The week before, I have asking for the location from Jeremy and zhang lao. They have tell me the way to go but I am not note down. So when the day is coming, there are no body accompany me, (I hav ask jian shun but he is not free) so I decide to go myself. But I forget the actual location until I am there, I was lost my ways. Then I cal zhang lao immediately asking the way to go. I hv turn to a wrong ways for few time b4 I arrive. And I am I say I am ren xing bcz I really not plan carefully b4 I decide to go myself. I know I duno the way to go and most possibility will lost, but I still wana go myself. But thanks god, he bring me there even I am late.

The xin xin yin yue choir group really very big. There are approximately 180ppl choir, include approximately 20kids. Their melody of choir quite nice even with so big choir group. I just wonder is it all of them come from oversea? I have record down few song there, but at last I just remember it should be can not recording lol…haha.. the only regret is I am late. Why I am out from my house so late even I know I mayb need some time to fing the way.. K

This time I really feel the loneliness. No ppl accompany me, or shared the happiness/some feeling about the zan mei hui. The only person I think about is him. I sms him that I am there for zan mei hui alone with very ren xing. But he say no, can not consider as ren xing, it is okay as long as I can go with safely, and enjoy the zan mei hui. Duno when is it start, he was the person I wish to share the thing happening. All happiness, worry or sadness, some thing that happening, I wish there are some body that I can talk or share with, and the person I can share with is him. Luckily there are still a person heard wat I wish to shared about, if not I am really ke lian with the loneliness.

Is it only a yi lai or just I am get used to sms him? I duno.. just my heart will uncontrollable to think about telling him. He say he wish to be the first person to know wat I am doing, or if I am sad, he wish to be first person to care about me. Now he alr is the first person for me to telling about wat am I doing or wat is happening. but wat is it mean for…

Blar~ Blar~ Blar~

7th June 2010 4:30pm at office, duno how is the weather outside now…

Compared with previous article, I think I really long time din write article alr. Sumore English article… As my plan on this early year, must write as least once for each month, but time really fly, without noticed, now alr half years of 2010 alr. And I alr few month din write. I think this is my problem all the time, lazy.. furthermore, I like to escape from problem. When I face any problem, I hide myself. Just like the tuo niao. I slp, I watch mv non stop, just bcz I lazy to think about it.. when I am ok, I mean din have any problem, I let it continue and enjoy it. Will not think further also.. this is me. With a lazy behaviors that I have noticed before but not trying to do anything further on it also.. haha^^ sum body wish to help me??

So what is my point today? Nope.. just feel like wan to write sum thing bcz I din write for long time alr mah..no specific title for this, just write with suka hati I lar…haha^^

Last time got ppl say, when we write or record down sum detik detik of our life, it is nice when u can look bek on it when u r grow older. Furthermore, with my lao ren zhi dai zhen, sure will forget all the thing after a period. So when we look bek on the article on next time, u will feel like reading other person life. Quite interesting. Or by this way, u will remember bek the thing that happen or find bek some feeling on that time.

Today I use English to write bcz now currently I write in my office.. without Google pin yin, so no choice, have to write English lolz… I felt my English is even poor now, previously at least got assignment to do, or even work at IDS, I have to write report or talking with other with English. But now at VS, talk with malay and only write common email with English. And in addition, chatting with very rojak English…haha^^ so this is the outcome, malaysian style English…

Okie, bek to title, now I write at office. Currently I work at VS berhad. Start from 5th april, now alr 2 month..wah..time really fly… I alr work here for 2 month.. I alr stay at kulai for 2 month.. I alr go people church for 2 month… is it the time had fly together with senai aeroplane? If not why it fly so fast without evi one noticed? Or I am the only one din noticed on it? After I have think and think, and compared with my previous work, I think 2 month is not a short period that can fly without noticed. Bcz 2 month in my previous company is a very very long period that makes me cry and feel like wan to resign. I think this is the different of how our heart feels. When u feels unhappy, definitely the time is slow. But when u feel you are in happy, time is gone without waiting for you. Correct? Hehe^^ I definitely agree nw…

The first or the amazing thing that make me unbelievable when I work here is, wor…this company is really damn big… (I just learned, to describe with very kua zhang, is it sound not good? Nvm lar…) the total of injection machine here is 175 with fully robot automated. Just like in TV shows. All in arrange properly. Even sum place is quite dirty but it is still nice. In addition, I have learned one thing here. A listed company is call berhad not sdn bhd. So my company is VS industry berhad – a listed company.

Does it mean that the working environment here good?
Nope, all around here is malay friend. When we always heard 1Malaysia slogan, it doesn’t mean that I still have any prejudices over them. Just a feeling that, I am in a totally different environment now. When u working here for 2 week and u saw a lot of ants around u…u will understand my feeling. When u goes a toilet without water, u will understand my feeling. When u saw a lot of unused thing in ur office, u will understand my feeling.

Does it mean that the benefit of company is good?
Definitely not. When I get the calendar of company, I think I still can accept of 5 and half working day alternately. But that is only in my early stage, I always compare with my previous company which is 5 working days and a lot of holiday and annual leave that can gain. But for this company, the benefit really damn not enjoyable. (forgive me used for 2nd time, cant control to scold cz really not happy with this)

Does it enjoyable working here?
Hehe^^ this is cant be denied, working here really a lot more better than previous. As the first few weeks, I had completed a series of Doraemon. I can completed 2 novels in a week in office time here if I am free. Like now, I can write my bla bla blah in office.. I still consider very good worker here.. at least I am not playing game in office time now.. opps..i am not trying to say u, my dear collegue.. haha..but as long as we finish our work in responsible lar.. this doesn’t mean that we din have work, some time I also pening to rush for work which been push by other to complete in time... after been completed, then can rest for a while. It is like a short project, after complete, after pass up, or pass to other, it can consider settle. Not like previous work, it is continuous nonstop, with a lot of report, which will not have here. Now still can enjoy like I am still in honey moon time, I scare one days, one days that I will become really boring like the colleague left that days. Hope I can try to learn a lot here. But I remember he say before, the collegue left this department previous is normally too pressure here. Is it now more better than previous? I really duno, but hopefully I can manage well here lar…